the Artist
I hail from an exotic corner of New York known as Long Island. I’ve loved drawing and painting for as long as I can remember – but growing up in a Chinese immigrant household, I was raised on conventional definitions of success. Like many children of immigrants, I did the safe, respectable thing: I studied hard, checked all the boxes, and got into a prestigious university. For nearly a decade, I built a career in marketing and design. These were some good life experiences! I got to travel the world, study culture, and learn how to use my creativity to solve problems.
Throughout my twenties, I kept making art for myself. Eventually, I couldn’t ignore this nagging feeling that I was playing it too safe. What if I really allowed myself to pursue a career in art, and discover my unique artistic voice? What would it look like to live life on my own terms? In 2024, I decided to leave the corporate world to answer these very questions.
the Art
When I quit my full-time job, I knew I needed to make some changes in my life. The biggest one was to repair my relationship to creativity. I needed to leave behind the left-brain, perfectionistic world of my past, and embrace a more intuitive existence. On my journey, I fell in love with abstract painting.
Abstraction allowed me to explore and experiment without a subject. It helped me break free from perfectionism and just have fun, surrendering any illusion of control. Most of all, it helped me listen to my intuition to guide my decision-making.
In many ways, I see painting as a form of searching. I’m searching for answers within a composition, allowing the painting to reveal itself to me with each mark I make. I’m searching for latent memories and feelings that I can’t consciously express. Maybe I’m also searching for the pieces of who I really am along the way.
my CV
Harvard University
B.A. in Social Studies, cum Laude
Shillington School of Graphic Design
Design Certificate
Freelance (2021 – present)
Brand design, illustration, and consulting for start-ups
co:collective (2023 – 2024)
Senior designer
Known (2021 - 2023)
Senior designer
Brand strategy manager
EF Education First (2016 - 2021)
Marketing director